The world renowned Danish Photographer Jacob Holdt and the leading Danish politician Søren Pind (now minister of Justice) travelled in this series in all parts of the US and debated the challenges that America is facing. The critically acclaimed series won the prize Danish TV prixe as the most innovative TV program of 2013, with these words from the jury:

"Pind & Holdt is entertainment, current affairs and roadmovie in one Kinderegg. The idea is simple, but the trip across goods on country accompanied by the Left-wing icon Holdt and the singing politician Pind is no less that brilliant. They have apparently nothing else in common than love of freedom and love for America, but the debate among them is more than the usual left-right quarrel. The Series is nothing less than a innovative and compelling cocktail of American history, political debate, current affairs, and the big questions of life served in really good company".